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Current block reward: 3.125 bitcoins

Detailed in 2008 by an entity only known as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is a cryptocurreny and payment system. Bitcoin was introduced to the open-source community in 2009 since then this decentralized software has grown tremendously and intrigued the minds of millions worldwide.

Using a distributed database technology known as "The Blockchain", Bitcoin enables transactions secured by design. Bitcoin groups its transactions into "Blocks", each block contains a timestamp and a link to the previous block creating a chain, giving it the name "Blockchain". Blockchains are public ledgers, free for anyone to download and examine. Being open and free helps create a distributed ledger which is transparent.

Many people say the technology which will change our future is not Bitcoin itself but Blockchain technology. The idea of Blockchain technology had been around for several years before Bitcoin but Satoshis take on blockchain brought us into a new era, an era of immutable transactions without a trusted authority or central server

With no central authority controlling bitcoin and no one single place to get all the information you need about bitcoin, it's hard to find where to start, but all hope isn't lost! Some good resources on Bitcoin include Bitcoin.org and Wikipedia.org.

© 2017 - 2024 BTC Registry.com

Credit for the website goes to the 'Anonymous User'

We would like to thank Quandl.com for providing API to historical Bitcoin and Blockchain.info for live Blockchain data. We would also like to thank Wikipedia.org, Bitcoin Wiki, History Of Bitcoin.

© CryptoBatesGroup

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